Gusta Irem Sakiz
PhD Scientist
PhD scientists
Gusta Irem Sakiz, having earned her BSc in Chemical Engineering from Ankara University in 2019, undertook a year-long research internship at µFlow Cell. During this period, she contributed to producing drug-loaded polymer particles within capillary-based microfluidic systems for beta cell therapy. She pursued a master's degree in Chemical Engineering at Hacettepe University, graduating in 2023. Her master's research was centered on the microfluidic production of polymer-lipid hybrid particles towards the treatment of breast cancer. As a current PhD scientist under the supervision of Prof. Wim De Malsche at µFlow Cell, her research focuses on electrowetting-controlled microfluidic emulsification.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels