dr. ir. Wim De Malsche
Wim De Malsche is Bio-engineer in Chemistry (VUB) and holds a PhD in Engineering (VUB) and Applied Physics (UTwente, NL). He (co-)founded the spin-off company PharmaFluidics in 2010 to valorize pillar array column technology for pressure-driven chromatography, and took operational roles in the company as CEO and later CTO and Director. From 2009-2015 he was FWO research fellow allowing him to conduct his research at the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center (Imec, Leuven), VUB and UTwente. He is Faculty member at VUB since 2012 and is Professor (Hoogleraar) since 2020. He teaches Environmental Technology, Nanotechnology and Process Engineering. Since 2016 he teaches Microfluidics for Lab-on-a Chip at EPFL (Lausanne, CH). In 2012 he started his µFlow group (currently 15 researchers) that is designing, developing, fabricating and validating novel microfluidic devices for a wide range of applications involving e.g. analytical and continuous separations, particle and droplet production and separation, handling viscous and challenging streams and advanced optics. In 2016 he obtained an ERC starting grant to enhance mass transfer in microfluidic devices. At VUB he is coordinating a Strategic Research Spearpoint Program on the development of microfluidic and optical techniques for a wide range of biological, medical and (bio)chemical applications.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels